Virtuous Desire and Diggin’ Up Gold.


How many of us are programmed to believe that desire is unholy? That when we want something, or crave something, it is right off the bat from a place of ego, or a sin? Well, when walking this path of sacred living, where everything is sacred, then even the things we have been taught through religious or spiritual conditioning is a holy, special thing. Desires included. 

I’m talking about all desires here — from wanting to make out with Shia LaBeouf, (anyone else? Anyone?) to wanting to publish a book, to wanting a deep, long lasting friendship, to wanting a 15 minute long orgasm, or a cup of earl grey tea, or the new Prada handbag. They are all sacred. Yes, even that one in your head right now that you’re like, omg there is no way this is included, that one too. 

See, here’s the thing, some people might start rattling off about how some of those things are hedonistic, or from a place of ego. I say that whatever you are truly desiring, wherever your heart is guiding you, let it ride. As long as it is harming none and not messing with anyone’s free will. Because in those moments of desire, there is a powerful key that leads you deeper into your own truth. 

And let’s be real — sometimes what we desire is totally from a place of ego. And more often than not, we are working from a limited perspective. The classic story of be careful what you wish for because it might come true, like you think you want something and then it turns out to be not what you want. But that is still fucking gold! 

If you find yourself going after what you desire and it turns out to be a total flop, congratulations! You are still one step closer to your truth than you were prior to following that pull.

We can desire from a place of need, an intuition, or a wound. No matter where that come from is, it is still a key to discovery, healing, and truth. We need our egos, our desires, to show up for our purpose. Our passions are what guides our paths. What comes to us as pleasure, joyful, or comfort are big signs on the trail that guide you to living an authentic life.

So next time you are wanting something, you feel yourself in a desiring state, ask yourself — what would having this get me? What is the shiny side and the shadow side? What do I feel when I picture myself getting this goal? Is this desire aligned with my highest good? And watch what unfolds because the thing with desire, as we’ve seen in the most iconic of movies, is that most of the time, you’ve always had it to begin with. 

And when that realization happens, desire becomes preference. That wanting becomes a knowing. There is freedom in wishing, hoping, dreaming, fantasizing, craving. 

So, my love, dig deep into your desires. Excavate the gold there. Desires are like the match strike that ignites a fire, illuminating your path home back to you.