Kozmic Ryder

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January Kozmic Guidance— A Time of Blossoming and Becoming

Welcome to the new year! Congratulations on making it here, after 2018 being filled with retrogrades, this month is the first time we have all planets direct and moving smoothly. We start out with Capricornian energy inviting us to work toward our goal and plant the seeds we wish to grow, then Aquarius energy blessing us with new thoughts and ideas, and a two eclipses that help us to go inward and set outward with strength and wisdom! Are you ready for this cosmic month of blossoming? Get out your calendars and be in tune with the cosmic magic.

January 4th — Mercury Enters Capricorn

The new year has started, and with that comes a slew of intentions and resolutions. Well, luckily for us, this new year starts with Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication, entering stable and work-oriented Capricorn. This means our thoughts are oriented around attaining a goal, practical steps to get there, and accomplishing what we need to. Mercury in Capricorn is practical, direct, and logical thinking and conversation. Use the energy of this time to start paying attention to the steps you can take to blossom the way you want this year!

January 5th — New Moon in Capricorn and Partial Solar Eclipse

New moons are a time when the earth’s soil is the most fertile. It is a new beginning, a time to plant the seeds and watch them grow. In the hard-working sign of Capricorn, this one is oriented around business and work.

This new moon in Capricorn is paired with a partial solar eclipse. This new moon is a potent opportunity to think about the work you do in the world. What is it that you want to truly set out? Are you on the right path that feels good to you? Do you believe in what you are doing? Is what you are doing sustaining you on a physical, emotional, and financial way?

Tonight, get clear about who you are and the magic you want to set out. Think of your wildest working dream. This is the first new moon of the new year, so let’s make it magic!

January 6th — Uranus Direct

Let’s Celebrate! Today is the first time in a really long time that there are no planets retrograde! Embrace the cosmic relief. Uranus, the planet of freedom, change, and individuality is going back direct since August. While it was retrograde, sudden changes could have happened within you instead of through an outward force. This retrograde time was all about reflection and a higher awareness with your relationship with change and whatever your definition of freedom is. You may have found yourself questioning why you want to change or why you fear it. What thoughts, beliefs, opinions, situations, relationships, and patterns have changed in you since August? Coming into yourself can be a jarring experience — realizing what has held you back, what was ignorant, what has been hurtful to yourself and others is so hard to look at. Realizing what we’re capable of, accepting it, and transforming it is the biggest medicine to ourselves and this world we can do. Honor yourself, forgive yourself, be proud of yourself for doing the work.

Now it is time to integrate those new ideas, the new version of you, and how you want to work it. Now is also the time to start noticing the outward circumstances you find yourself in. Sometimes in life, we can’t control situations. What does matter is how we own it, how we rock it, and what we create with it. What are you wanting to create within yourself, or in your life, with this newfound authenticity?

January 7th — Venus Enters Sagittarius

Do you feel that? The energy of relating is shifting. A little understood fact about Venus is that it is not just your relationship to others, it’s about your love and relationship to everything in creation.

Over the past few weeks, you may have felt drawn to focus your love on romantic partnerships, or those one-on-one relationships. As Venus moves from intense Scorpio to optimistic and excited Sagittarius, expect your relationships, and the way you love and relate, to be more universally driven rather than deep and serious. Sagittarius is all about adventure in finding truth and meaning. Now is the time to get adventurous with love. Find truth and meaning in what you love and your relationship to everything. Try to relax and settle in to the feeling of blissful, meaningful, lighthearted yet oh-so-authentic love.

January 20th — Sun Enters Aquarius

Happy solar return, freedom finding Aquarius! Aquarian energy is all about breaking down the societal norms to create a better future. Even if you were not born under an Aquarius sun, you will still feel the sun’s energy impacting you as it enters this forward thinking sign. You can expect sudden bursts of innovation, craving freedom and rebellion, and dedicating yourself acts of humanitarianisms. Eccentricity is medicine for our souls as we walk this path of authentic living. Honor your different, far out ideas. Honor your inner visionary. Be aware of being too detached and impatient during this time — remember in every cause, there are individuals, connections, and emotions. Honor those, too!

January 21st — Full Moon in Leo, Total Lunar Eclipse

What a beautiful night. Welcome. Take a breath. The moon is calling you home. Eclipse season is here, and this full, total lunar eclipse invites you to do act as the planets do — since the moon and the sun line up and create a shadow, your shadow or subconscious get brought to the surface. What is in the darkest part of your subconscious can be brought to light, and what you truly need can be revealed. Sounds scary, but it’s truly profound and an excellent place for self-discovery!

This lunar eclipse is in lion-hearted Leo, the fire sign that loves to be seen, making the focus be on how we show up and come off to others. This lunar eclipse also has a tight relationship with Uranus, the planet of sudden, unexpected change. Something may come up for you that strikes a chord, impacts you, and maybe causes a little bit of anxiety. Eclipses usually tend to bring up old wounds so they can be healed. Note what kind of situations you find yourself in, and act through integrity.

Full moons are about release, giving thanks, celebrating, and connecting with something higher than yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed by anything, give it a place to go. Write it out and place it in a box to put it in divine order. Celebrate your growth. Forgive. Release.

January 22nd — Venus Jupiter Conjunct

Blessings on blessings on blessings! The planet of love, relationship, and harmony sits nice and cozy with the planet of expansion and good luck, in serendipitous Sagittarius! Embrace this cosmic kiss of good fortune — love, finances, and finding what feeds you on a soul level is right by your side. Are you open to receiving it? Remember that what you are drawn to is no accident — your purpose is to find what makes you happy and do it! It comes with ease and joy for a reason.

January 24th — Mercury Enters Aquarius

All this Aquarius energy is kicking innovation into overload! Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, enters forward-thinking Aquarius for the next few weeks. Watch for what ideas come your way! Innovative thinking and communication are amplified during this time. Your ideas will be different, more outside-the-box, and universal. Aquarius is the sign of progressive thinking, and mercury rules our thoughts and communication. Invite in all these different perspectives and apply them to what you’re already doing. Knowledge is power. New and original ideas are coming for you!